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Lent Resources 2025

Sometimes, it feels like Lent is just about giving up chocolate. But deep down, we all desire to do something more for Lent—we just don’t know how to do it.

How to Lent is a new series from the Augustine Institute that aims to equip Catholics with the tools to understand and practice the pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Guided by Solenne Santiago and with the help of priests and religious, this series will challenge our preconceived notions about Lent, laying out a roadmap for entering the season with a purpose. Don’t let Lent sneak up on you like it did last year. Instead, heed the call of St. John the Baptist by preparing for the Lord, using How to Lent to transform your spiritual life this Lenten season.

Take a healing journey with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, as she helps you turn away from what wounds you and toward God who heals you and makes you whole. Each week, Sr. Miriam will lead you to meet the tenderness of God’s mercy, the power of his love, and the restoration of your heart and life as you practice prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and sacrifice.

This Lent, Hallow will once again launch its Lent Pray40 prayer challenge, beginning on Ash Wednesday.

Drawing on the incredible writings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, author of The Way, we’ll follow Jesus into deeper faith every day this Lent.

To help bring Escrivá’s advice to life, we’ll follow the story of Servant of God Takashi Nagai, a Japanese physician who survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945. He survived, but his life was not without difficulty, heartbreak, and, ultimately, conversion.

As we meditate on the lives of those who follow Christ, we’ll see that despite the noise and distraction of today, Jesus died on the cross so that we might experience His love, His peace, and, ultimately, eternal life. We need only to follow His Way.  

BEST LENT EVER is a short, inspiring daily email program presented by Dynamic Catholic. This year, the program is truly unprecedented. It will take you, your family and our whole parish on a one-of-a-kind spiritual pilgrimage through 33 Days to Divine Mercy—a brand new consecration experience. The journey will inspire you to encounter God’s mercy like never before. When you sign up, each day of Lent you will receive a short video right to your inbox with spiritual coaching from Matthew Kelly, one of America’s best selling Catholic authors. It’s completely free.

Lent invites us to leave behind our old lives of sin and walk forward confidently as pilgrims into a new way of being. Inspired by the Jubilee Year 2025 and its theme of “Pilgrims of Hope,” we’ll explore how to be Pilgrims Through Lent.

This daily e-mail series will introduce saints of pilgrimage as examples of faith and hearten us in our ongoing pilgrimage through reflections by Loyola Press authors and bloggers.

Sign up to receive the daily messages via e-mail from Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025, through Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025. The messages will come from the Year in Our Church from Loyola Press.

Learn and pray with Brother Francis in any of the four seasons offered on FORMED!

Season 1: Daily Meditations (New This Year!)
Season 2: 4-part Series
Season 3: Let’s Learn about Lent
Season 4: The Stations of the Cross

Here’s what you get for FREE:

Also this year: Step-by-step through the Mass. The Holy Heroes Adventure Guides will be teaching your kids what we do in the Mass and why!

Daily Lenten Activities – You’ll receive regular emails linking you to daily activities

Fun video & audio selections – View and listen online to an array of Holy Heroes media

Activity Downloads – Print out & enjoy coloring pages, word searches, and crossword puzzles

Fun quizzes and much more!