Together We Can! Capital Campaign

Campaign Prayer for a New School

Heavenly Father,

We trust in your presence and believe that You behold what we are about.

Through Your Goodness, you have blessed our parish for over 175 years.  Generations of our families, gone before us, were men and women of great faith and they sacrificed much to provide what we enjoy today.

Now, we are being called upon to take another leap of faith. In faith, we come to You once again and ask Your blessing as we begin our capital campaign to build a new school for St. Mary and Trinity.

Send Your Holy Spirit upon us that we might open our hearts to share the blessings and resources that You have graciously given us so that we might continue to do Your work here in this place and preserve our parish and Catholic schools for years to come.

We invoke the intercession of our patroness, St. Mary, to guide us in this special moment of our parish’s history as we desire to continue educating in the ways of faith through Christ Our Lord.


Dear Parishioners,

When I arrived nearly seven years ago, in 2016, I would’ve never imagined, at that point, that we would be considering the possibility of a new school.  We were in the thick of constructing the new Horn Community Center while, at the same time, faced with some of the smallest enrollment in the history of both St. Mary of the Woods School and Trinity High School. Seven years later, however, we have consistently experienced steady growth in enrollment to the point of now being filled to capacity with a waiting list.  What a blessing!

Faced with aging school buildings, escalating maintenance costs for both facilities, growth in enrollment, and a lack of space to keep up with the current demands, we are faced with the reality of needing to respond.

In February, of this current year, our parish conducted a feasibility study to determine whether we had the support to build a new school.  The conclusion of that comprehensive study revealed overwhelming support.  Parishioners clearly communicated they believed building a new school was our best alternative going forward.  With the findings of the feasibility study, the diocese gave our parish the green light to proceed with a capital campaign.

So, here we are in the year of our Lord, 2022!  It is with great joy and hope that I share with you the beginning of our capital campaign, Together We Can Together as a parish family, each of us has an important role to play in the present moment and the future.  The great faith and energy of St. Mary of the Woods parish is on display every day in our amazing ministries, hours of Eucharistic adoration, and tremendous Catholic Schools.  This great faith and energy will serve us well as we move forward with a capital campaign to build a new school which will be home to both St. Mary of the Woods School and Trinity High School.

Our present school buildings were built in the 50’s and 60’s.  While they have served us well, it’s time to invest in the future of our parish and Catholic schools.  Further, in 2029, we will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Catholic school education on the campus of St. Mary of the Woods Church.  Let’s prepare for a brighter future by taking bold steps of faith today.  Let’s build on the hopes, dreams, and sacrifices of generations gone before us.

You will recall, from the experience of former capital campaigns, that home visits occurred.  Knowing that most parishioners, if not all, don’t care for such an approach, we will, instead, be inviting all of you to a meal and program, in the parish hall, to solicit campaign pledges.  I feel sure that many will find this a more pleasing option.  In the months ahead, be on the lookout for an invitation!  For those who don’t respond to the invitation, we will engage you through an in-pew process.

As we prepare to kick-off our Together We Can! Campaign, it is my hope to have it all wrapped up by Christmas.  With God, all things are possible!

Together We Can!

Fr. Brian J. Roby, Pastor


​Together We Can Presentation Summary to Parish on 08-25-2024

by Terra Knight, Chair of the Steering Committee

Quick Review:  When we started planning, if you remember the picture boards that were in the back of church, that was the idea of what we could build for the new school.  It was labeled to be built in 2 phases – Phase 1 being the school and Phase 2 being a gym and auditorium to be added at a later time.  Estimated cost was $12 million for the school (Phase 1) and an additional $2 million for the gym and auditorium (Phase 2) ($1 million each).  Those were the goals that we started with when we kicked off the Capital Campaign and started trying to raise the money for the project.  Fast forward to August 2024:  Current pledges:  apx $11.4 million; Current money on hand:  apx $5.5 million.  Of course those cost estimates were provided 3 years ago.  Since then there has been this thing called “inflation” that has come around – So once our architect provided us updated numbers on the original building plan (the one that was shown on the boards in the back of church) of course due to inflation its now way over the original budget numbers.  So… back to the drawing board.

The best alternative for this was to cut out the “wings” which eliminates several exterior walls and roof lines – that eliminates quite a bit of cost.  We’ve also made some changes to the materials of the exterior walls – only having full brick on the front of the building, going up only a portion on the sides and back, things like that.  So again, instead of having 3 separate wings and a separate gym and auditorium jutting off the side and back, you’ll have one large square/rectangle building.  Once we saw that design we realized there is actually an upside to changing to that design – now the gym will be enclosed within the main building and there will enough space for an auditorium.

After making some design changes, full cost for this new layout – turn key, fully furnished, all site work completed, etc is $16.9 million.   Well Terra, you say, that is more than the original budget of $14 million. Yes it sure is.  Thank you, inflation.  BUT again, that is to complete the entire project in one full go – one phase.  So, using the money we have pledged at this point, we go back to the Phase 1/Phase 2 idea.  Again, working with the architect and the amount pledged for the project (pledged amounts is what the Diocese is looking at for purposes of approving a project) we have been able to break down a phase 1 that we can start on now with the pledges that we have.

Phase 1 will include:  The full finished exterior of the entire building, everything all enclosed under 1 roof.  All of the interior of the SMWS side completed including the spaces to be shared with THS like the cafeteria, media center/storm shelter, admin offices, etc.  Also included in that figure is the full finished site work, including extra paved parking off to the side (which we may not need and could probably leave as a grassy area, but again, those talks are still being had).  Phase 1 will cost $11.2 million.  We have $11.4 million pledged – mission accomplished!!  We’re ready to move forward with Phase 1 as soon as we present to the Diocesan Building Committee and get their approval.  Phase 2 would then consist of finishing the interior of the THS side of the building and finishing the interior of the gym and auditorium, and any additional/final site work.  Phase 2 would be at a total cost of $5.7 million.

What happens if we can’t get the high school interior finished and moved in when St Mary’s moves in?  That was my first question when I heard this proposal from the architect.  We do have a contingency plan for that BUT – it shouldn’t have to happen if we stay on the original course of having our 2nd round of capital campaign and ask donors renew their pledges.  We, just us in this parish alone (excluding the large donors), pledged $4.5 million.  That will more than cover the THS interior being finished.

Our architect estimates it would take 18-24 months to complete construction.  We can still bring in pledges during that time period to reach our Phase 2 goal.  If we get enough pledges to complete Phase 2 while construction for Phase 1 is still going on, then just keeps right on going and finishes the inside of THS and both schools move in together.  We are rolling into year 3 of our pledge period, construction won’t finish for 2 years once it does start.  So round 2 of the Capital Campaign will still be coming at the end of the first 5 year period.  This is your heads up! Round 2 will be coming…

Next step – head to Diocesan Building Committee for approval; then we’ll be able to start the site work, and move forward with construction of this new Phase 1.