10534 Main Cross St. Whitesville, KY 42378

I’m New

Welcome to St. Mary of the Woods Parish! 

We hope you enjoy browsing through our website to see all the wonderful ways in which you can encounter Jesus through our community. If you are interested in becoming a member or have any questions, please contact our parish office at 270-233-4196. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM-4:00 PM. Thank you and have a blessed day! 

Please complete both the Parish Registration Form and a Stewardship Form.

Completed Parish Registration and Stewardship forms can be emailed to sara.schrecker@stmarywoods.com or mailed to St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Church, P.O. Box 1, Whitesville, KY 42378 or dropped in the collection basket. Throughout the year we host a Welcome Dinner for new parish members on a Monday evening from 6-7 PM. Children are always welcome! A letter with all the pertinent details will be sent to new members in advance. These dinners provide us with an opportunity to get to know you and for you to get to know us. Representatives from the Staff, Parish Council and our Schools are present to welcome new members. Please contact Sara Schrecker with any questions or concerns regarding registering with our parish.