To all Lectors:
- Two Lectors are assigned at each Mass.
- First Lector: Carry the gospel book in and proclaim first reading.
- Second Lector: Proclaim second reading and pray the prayers of the faithful (Petitions).
To all Altar Servers:
- Three Servers are assigned at each weekend Mass.
- On the day you are serving, please arrive 15 minutes early to dress and be ready.
- If a Server does not show up, feel free to volunteer to serve. Please give the scheduled Server time to arrive.
To all Eucharistic Ministers:
- Five Eucharistic Ministers are assigned at each Mass.
- First and second Eucharistic Ministers: Clean the patens and cups after Mass.
Please notify Administrative Assistant, Sara Schrecker of any future changes. Email:; Phone: 270-233-4196
Thank you, Sara Schrecker