10534 Main Cross St. Whitesville, KY 42378 | 270-233-4196

Safe Environment Training

The Office of Safe Environment works for the protection of children, young people and other vulnerable individuals who have been entrusted to the care of our parishes, schools, religious education classes and other diocesan programs.

As part of its efforts to protect minors and the vulnerable, the Diocese of Owensboro requires Safe Environment compliance on a five-year cycle for clergy, religious, employees, and all volunteers working with minors. The diocese uses CMG Connect, developed by Catholic Mutual Group, to coordinate its compliance requirements.

Who must be in compliance?

  1. Clergy and religious serving the Diocese of Owensboro
  2. All employees serving the diocese, parish, or diocesan school
  3. Volunteers supervising minors
  4. Volunteers serving vulnerable adults

Anyone wishing to work with minors at St Mary of the Woods Catholic Church, St Mary of the Woods Catholic School or Trinity High School must complete Safe Environment training prior to service. Please follow the link to the Diocesan Safe Environment page for instructions on how to complete this training. Contact the parish office if you have any questions about becoming Safe Environment compliant.

Click HERE to begin Safe Environment Training

To report suspected abuse, contact the Cabinet for Health and Family Services by calling their Child/Adult Abuse Hotline at their toll-free number 1-877-KYSAFE1 (1-877-597-2331) or by visiting their website. You may also contact your local Commonwealth Attorney. To report abuse to the diocese, current or past, by anyone acting in the name of the Church, call Scott Ingram, Pastoral Assistance Coordinator (English) at 270-852-8380 or Miguel Quintanilla, Pastoral Assistance Coordinators (Spanish) at 270-880-8360. You may also visit the Office of Safe Environment (owensborodiocese.org/safe) for more information. To make a report of sexual abuse of a minor and related misconduct by bishops, go to ReportBishopAbuse.org or call 1-800-276-1562

Please click here to download and/or print a flowchart of how to report child abuse in the Diocese of Owensboro and also how the Diocese responds to reports of child abuse.